Hypothermia Recognition and Prevention
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The Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB) have put together some guidance regarding hypothermia which is a serious medical condition in which a person's body temperature falls below the usual level (<35ºC) as a result of being in severe cold for a long time.
In the Care Quality Commission (CQC) 'Learning from Safety Incidents' Issue 8: Hypothermia they state:
Hypothermia can develop in vulnerable people after a relatively short exposure to cold weather. It can even develop after a small drop in room temperature. Many people who use Health and Social Care services may be at risk of developing hypothermia.
They include:
- Older people in Care Homes or receiving care at home
- People with reduced mental capacity, reduced mobility or a sensory impairment
- People who cannot communicate that they are exposed to cold
Signs and Symptoms
- Shivering
- Pale skin, blue lips
- Slurred speech or mumbling
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Weak pulse
- Clumsiness or lack of co-ordination
- Drowsiness or very low energy
- Confusion or memory loss
- Loss of consciousness
Immediate treatment
- Do call 999 ambulance
- Do remove any wet clothing or pads
- Do warm patient up slowly with blankets and a hat
- Do give warm drink or soup
- Do give a high calorie snack, like chocolate
- Do keep the patient awake and talking until help arrives
- Don’t rewarm the patient too quickly, such as with a heater or hot bath
- Don’t attempt to warm the arms and legs – heating and massaging the limbs can stress the heart and lungs
- Don’t give the patient alcohol or a cigarette
The guidance also includes safeguarding considerations and tips for safety and prevention.