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Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board

Sub Groups

Last updated: 21/12/2021

Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board (BFSB) is supported in its work by the Safeguarding Partnership and a number of subgroups; each operates to its own Terms of Reference (ToR). Short term task and finish groups may also be set up to focus on the implementation of specific objectives or projects. The Safeguarding Board has the following subgroups:

  • Case Review
  • Quality Assurance
  • Communication, Engagement & Prevention

 In addition, it is part of the following wider subgroups:

  • Learning and Development (East Berkshire)
  • Policy and Procedures - adult (Pan Berkshire)
  • Policy and Procedures - children (Pan Berkshire)
  • Section 11 (Pan Berkshire)
  • Child exploitation (Pan Berkshire)
  • Child death Overview Panel (CDOP) (Pan Berkshire)

 Case Review Subgroup

The primary function of the CRSG is to oversee requests made for Rapid Reviews (RR) where partners believe cases could provide learning that helps strengthen local safeguarding practice and/or systems. Where it is considered necessary for a RR to be conducted by the Board, a multi-agency panel will consider partners initial analysis of a case and determine if it is necessary for the Board to commission either a:

  • Local Learning Reviews (LLRs)
  • Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs)
  • Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (LCSPRs)

 The CRSG is also responsible for monitoring the progress of reviews, collating evidence of actions taken and their impact on practice. This ensures that, in conjunction with the East Berkshire Learning and Development subgroup, learning is disseminated promptly by partners to all relevant staff.  The CRSG meets quarterly.

Terms of Reference

 Quality Assurance Subgroup

This subgroup has developed a QA framework reflecting the needs of both children’s and adults’ processes. It ensures there are effective and accountable safeguarding quality performance indicators and monitoring systems in place. It undertakes annual adult partner self-assessments and section 11 self-assessments. The subgroup ensures each partner representative contributes their organisation’s safeguarding quality assurance work and performance information to the overall work of the subgroup, which then facilitates discussion and challenge The QA group meets quarterly.

Terms of Reference

Communication, Engagement and Prevention Subgroup

The CEP subgroup’s role is to develop and co-ordinate key communication, engagement and prevention information and activities to ensure effective communication, awareness raising of safeguarding children and adults at risk, and engaging and involving partners, service users and carers in the work of the Board.

The subgroup works closely with the Community and Voluntary Sector in recognition of its ever-growing role in safeguarding, early intervention and prevention and community resilience. This group meets quarterly.

Terms of Reference

East Berkshire Learning and Development Forum

The East Berkshire Learning & Development Forum ensures learning from local case reviews is shared across neighbouring multi-agency safeguarding arrangements .  In addition, the L&D Forum is responsible for promoting standards in respect of safeguarding training and will provide oversight of systems to quality assurance single and multi-agency training.  This group meets three times a year.

Terms of Reference

Pan-Berks Policy and Procedures Subgroup (Adults)

This is a pan-Berkshire subgroup established to ensure that local standards, policies and procedures are in place in relation to safeguarding adults at risk. The policy and procedures will reflect national standards, regulations, guidance and case law and will apply to all agencies across Berkshire. This group meets twice a year.

Terms of Reference

Click here for the website

Pan-Berks Policy and Procedures subgroup (Children’s)

This pan-Berkshire subgroup coordinates the development of local policies, procedures and guidance for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in Berkshire. In addition, the group translates a wide range of legislative duties and statutory guidance into local policy multi-agency procedures. This group meets quarterly.

Terms of Reference

Click here for the website

Pan Berkshire Section 11 (children’s)

Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a duty on a range of organisations that provide services to children (or provide staff or volunteers to work with or care for children) to make arrangements to ensure that they are fulfilling their statutory safeguarding responsibilities.     An inter-agency panel is well supported by a strong and consistent core membership of experienced colleagues from across organisations based in Berkshire. 

The sub-group acts as a critical friend and provides a high level of challenge to organisations with a view to promoting good practice. The feedback from organisations involved has been very positive and enabled panel members to further develop the tools needed to support this aspect of the Board’s work. This group meets quarterly.

Terms of Reference

Pan-Berks Child Death Overview Panel

The pan-Berkshire Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) systematically considers the causes of children’s deaths and the services provided for them. The CDOP works across the six local authorities in the county, and its members come from a wide range of services. The work of CDOP is overseen by an Executive committee, with the analysis of local data helping inform national learning to help understand and prevent children’s deaths.    

These groups meet quarterly

Terms of Reference

CDOP website

Pan-Berks Child Exploitation Subgroup

The pan-Berkshire Child Exploitation subgroup brings together lead officers from key partner agencies to jointly design multi-agency approaches to identify children at risk of being exploited. The sub-group promotes operational consistency across Berkshire and acts as a conduit for communicating with the local Violence Reduction Units.

In addition, the group shares intelligence relating to emerging themes, innovative practice and national developments in preventing the exploitation of children. This group meets quarterly

Terms of Reference