Coronavirus (Covid-19) information
Reporting concerns Staff/Volunteers Families Prevent scams Domestic Abuse Hidden Carers Easy Read Documents
Coronavirus (Covid-19) information
For information about how to stay safe and prevent the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) please follow the advice provided by the Government. Further information is available from the NHS and Public Health England. Bracknell Forest Council publishes regular updates.
Advice in easy to read format
Opening Doors and Photosymbols have produced a number of easy read documents and posters that can shared and are particularly useful for those with learning difficulties.
How to Stay Safe
Coronavirus and Health Issues
What To Do If You Get Ill
Staying at Home
Please Don't Spread It
You Must Stay at Home
Easy read information about coronavirus
Prevent people becoming victims of scams
Trading Standards are aware of a number of COVID-related door-to-door scams in the borough and have published advice to residents. Please ensure you remind yourself of this guidance and pass this on to any elderly or vulnerable residents you may know. Through its Friends Against Scams initiative they have produced urgent advice and letter. They have also produced a social media pack.

Click to open full size postcard
Information for staff, volunteers and those co-ordinating volunteers
The Safeguarding Board has produced advice for professionals during the COVID-19 outbreak that notes the risks of self isolation for vulnerable adults and children. The Board endorses the message contained within this safeguarding video (from Waltham Forest) reminding anyone who is working with families or vulnerable adults that if you see something, say something.

Click to open full size poster
Involve have produced important information for Bracknell Forest COVID-19 volunteers and the Government have produced a factsheet to address specific concerns that people involved in supporting their community may have at this time.
Reporting Concerns
The Safeguarding Board will be working with local partners to ensure vulnerable people continue to receive the protection they require. Please report any concerns about children or adults at risk.

Click each image to open full size posters
Information for families
Looking after a baby can be challenging at any time but may be particularly difficult under the current circumstances. The following resources may be useful:
Babies cry – you can cope
Handle with care – how to keep your baby safe
There is safer sleeping advice from Lullaby Trust which is highlighted in NHS Berkshire video Lift the baby! which is particularly aimed at fathers.
It is also important that families seek medical assistance when their baby, child or adult they are caring for is ill, especially if a baby under 3 months of age has a fever.

Click to view guidance in a full size poster
The UK Sepsis Trust provides a checklist for spotting the symptoms of sepsis in children and adults.
The NHS East Berks CCG has produced a list with some of the best reliable and free sources of information and advice to help children and young people and their families to cope with life under lockdown.
The Children’s Commissioner have produced a children’s guide to coronavirus

Frimley Health and Care ICS have purchasd Solihull Approach Online Parenting Guide which consists of four free award winning courses. These are split into short modules with unlimited access.
Hidden carers

Click to open full size poster
Many people who carry out caring responsibilities do not recognise themselves as carers, but may benefit from some support and could be unaware of the help available to them. Many may feel they are simply carrying out ordinary responsibilities as a friend or family member. If you are looking after someone, you can call the Freephone number on 0800 1337851 where you will be offered support and information.
Domestic Abuse
SafeLives have produced resources for adults or child living with domestic abuse or those supporting them.

In Bracknell Forest Berkshire Women’s Aid (0118 950 4003) can provide support.
If you or someone else is in immediate danger please call 999 and ask for the police. Silent calls will work if you are not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system and call 999 and then press 5